diumenge, 16 de maig del 2021

Dawn of Death: Sir Charles Last Quest

El so d'una banya va fer que Sir Charles, baró de Badaloine, deixes per més tard la seva lectura. Aquest so representava que el seu galió, l'Aveler de la Dame, estava arribant a la seva destinació. 

The roar of a horn stopped the reading of Sir Charles, baron of Badaloine. That sound meant that his galleon, the Aveler de la Dame, was arriving at her destination.

Va alçar la vista per observar les seves relíquies amb una barreja de nostàlgia i estima. Es va apropar per agafar la primera d'elles La llàgrima Morena, el penjoll que la seva mare li va donar al poc de néixer a l'antic castell familiar de la poderosa Aquitaine. El penjoll tenia les seves llàgrimes del part i per això l'encanteri  només el podia protegir a ell.

He looked up to his relics with a mix of nostalgia and fondness. He approached the first of them, the Dark Tear, the pendant his mother gave him shortly after giving birth to him at the old family's castle back at the powerful Aquitaine. The pendant was awash with the tears of the labour and thus his protection could only work for him.

El següent objecte al qual es va apropar era l'espasa situada al costat del seu llit i de la qual mai se separava. La mateixa Dama se la va atorgar quan va expulsar les maleïdes hordes caòtiques que havien gosat envair la seva santa terra i les va perseguir fins a la mateixa Norsca per evitar que l'any següent retornessin. A les pèrfides i glaçades terres Norses es va lliurar una èpica batalla entre els Compagnons, els valents companys de Sir Charles, i els esclaus dels déus de la foscor. La batalla que només va ser guanyada pel sacrifici del molts bons homes es va decidir amb un duel entre Sir Charles, que mai hagués deixat que ningú moris per ell, i Horer Matahomes, ungit del caos.

The next relic was the sword laying next to his bed, from which he never parted.  The Lady herself gave it to him when he banished the disgusting Chaos hordes who desecrated the soil of his holy land and prosecuted them up until their native Norsca to ensure they did not come back by next year. At the perfidious and icy Norse lands an epic battle was fought between the Compagnons, the brave companions of Sir Charles, and the slaves of the Dark Gods. Victory was only achieved due to the martyrdom of several good men and it was decided in a duel between Sir Charles, who would never  let anyone die for him, and Horer Manslayer, Exalted Champion of Chaos.

En acabar la batalla es va obrir una clariana en mig del paisatge glaçat d'on sorgia un llac. Un camí de flors de lis va guiar als Compagnons i la dama els va oferir veure del calze. Sir Charles va ser l'últim en beure, deixant que els seus amics i companys ho fessin abans que ell. La Dama es va submergir a les aigües i en  ressorgir duia  la poderosa espasa com a regal.

At the end of the clash a clearing opened in the middle of the frosty landscape. In it there was a lake. A trail of flowers guided the Compagnons and the Lady offered them to drink from her chalice. Sir Charles was the last one to do so, letting friends and companions to drink before him. The Lady submerged into the waters only to come back with the powerful sword as a gift.

Després de recordar amb joia i gratitud a la Dama aquell sagrat moment es va apropar a la seva cuirassa, col·locada en una posició privilegiada a la seva cabina des de la qual vigilava la sala. Era la mateixa que duia el seu pare el dia que va matar la serp marina Belaquiel que terroritzava les costes d'Aquitania i havia matat molts dels camperols i pescadors que havia de protegir. Era l'únic que els va deixar en marxar a la recerca de la qual mai tornar. 

After remembering with joy and gratitude to the Lady that holy moment, he approached his cuirass, which was in a privileged position inside his cabin from which the room could be watched on. It was the same his father wore the day he slaughtered the sea serpent Belaquiel, who terrorized the coasts of Aquitaine and murdered several commonfolk under his protection. It was the only thing he left them after leaving for a quest from which he never came back.

Sir Charles encara recordava amb dolor que no era ell qui havia de dur-la sinó son germà gran. En retornar de Norsca amb la majoria dels cavallers de la seva baronia gairebé ningú els havia de rebre en el seu castell que es veia en ruïnes. En veure-ho, sir Charles va galopar tan ràpidament com el seu fidel cavall el va dur. En arribar una noia es va amagar a dintre de l'antiga sala principal i que era l'únic que quedava dempeus. El jove cavaller va entrar prudentment i la noia que empunyava li deia que marxes, que per la dama defensaria les relíquies del seu pare fins a la mort. Va ser apropar-se a les torxes i la noia va poder veure la cara del seu germà i va córrer als seus braços.

Sir Charles still remembered with pain that it was not him who was destined  to wear it, but his older brother. After coming back from Norsca with most of the knights of his barony, nobody was there to welcome them back from his castle which was now nothing more than ruins. Sir Charles galoped anxiously and upon arriving a girl hid herself inside the old main hall, which was the only thing left standing.  The young knight entered quietly and the girl told him to go away, that by the Lady she would protect the relics of her father until the end. He approached the torches and the girl, upon seeing the face of her brother, ran to hug him.

Ysabel feia setmanes que custodiava com un veritable cavaller les relíquies que va poder salvar del traïdorenc atac dels senyors de Colomê, uns cavallers sense herois del grial i que van aprofitar per atacar quan hi havia molt pocs soldats i matar al seu germà quan defensava heroicament el castell. El Senyor de Colomê no va respondre a la crida de la baronia per atacar les forces del caos, ja que acusaven Sir Charles pel rapte de la seva filla, la fetillera Oudine, que el serveix des de fa anys com a consellera i mestressa de les arts arcanes.

Ysabel was keeping watch on the relics like a true knight. She saved them from a traitorous attack from the lords of Colomê, knights without Grail Lords that fell against the castle when there were few soldiers and killed his brother during the defense of the family's residence. The Lord of Colomê did not answer to the cry for help against the Chaos raiders since he accused Sir Charles of the kidnapping of his daughter, the sorceress Oudine, who serves him as counsellor and mistress of the arcane arts.

La seva germana es va convertir en el seu portaestendard, el que va salvar del castell, i que ara defensa amb més força  que quan estava sola. La Dama clarament la guia.

His sister became his standard bearer, saved from the castle, and which she defends now with renewed vigour. She is cleary guided by the Lady.

En pujar a la coberta va notar un cop d'aire que va despentinat la seva espessa cabellera negra que el va fer mirar amunt on va veure set cavallers de pegàs que feien de missatgers i exploradors vigilant que la flota no fos atacada. La seva germana i els Compagnons estaven agenollats resant unes plegaries a la Dama per tal que els ajudi en la seva justa causa i Sir Carles s'hi va unir.

Upon going up to the deck, a windblow poured his dense black hair. He looked up to see it's source and saw seven pegasus knights who worked as messengers and scouts to protect the navy. His sister and the Compagnons kneeled praying to the Lady for help in their just cause. Sir Charles joined them.

En acabar la pregària ja es començava a entreveure el castell de Sistrell, base de la família en retornar de les croades i des d'on es mirava d'ampliar els dominis del regne. L'imponent castell es va edificar al riu Treblecz sobre una antiga edificació èlfica i dominava una fèrtil vall on viles i pobles rendien lleialtat al Baró.

At the end of the prayer Sistrell's castle appeared on the horizon. Family base since coming back from the crusades, it overlooked the domains of the kingdom. It was built near the river Treblecz on top of an ancient elven building and dominated a bountiful valley where towns and hamlets swore fealty to the baron.

Sir Charles tenia una missió sagrada per la Dama, Bretonnia i el Rei que pensava complir fins al seu últim esbós de vida. Sabia que seria difícil, però amb ell tenia els seus companys i quelcom li deia que la Dama volia que fos aquí.

Sir Charles had a sacred mission and for the Lady, Bretonnia and the King he was determined to carry it out even with his last breath of life. He knew it would be hard, but he had his companions and something was telling him that the Lady wanted it to be here.

Sir Charles

1 comentari:

  1. M'ha molat molt, estaria molt be veure més sobre la campanya narrativa que esteu fent.
