dimarts, 8 de novembre del 2022

Dawn of Death: Eye of Nagash

Gashnag havia confiat una important missió a Vitorio que l'havia dut a la llunyana Albió. Un poderós penjoll, l'Ull de Nagash, que s'havia creat a Nagashizar i que els seus espies a Silvania li havien dit que Mannfred buscava. El mal temps havia separat les seves forces per la qual cosa inicialment només una reduïda part de la seva ràtzia va iniciar la recerca.

Gashnag had entrusted an important mission to Vitorio that had taken him to the distant Albion. A powerful pendant, the Eye of Nagash, which had been created in Nagashizar and which his spies in Silvania had told Mannfred was looking for. Bad weather had separated their forces so initially only a small part of their raid started the search.

Els seus espies Strigani creien que era el penjoll màgic que duia la noble Sonia Mac Anraic del clan Sessair i allà es va dirigir Vitorio. El vampir la va localitzar caçant a prop dels túmuls Ogham i va atacar sense esperar. Alguns exploradors albionics van donar l'alerta i així uns guerrers van acudir a protegir la seva líder. La batalla es va iniciar de sobte sense cap ordre tàctic. Amb tot i això totes les forces estaven llestes sense cap retard.

His Strigani spies believed it to be the magical pendant worn by the noble Sonia Mac Anraic of Clan Sessair and that's where Vitorio headed. The vampire tracked her down hunting near the Ogham mounds and attacked without waiting. Some Albionic scouts gave the warning and so some warriors came to protect their leader. The battle started suddenly without any tactical order. Nevertheless all the forces were ready without any delay.

Els druides del flanc esquerre van veure que uns monstres vampirics gegantins estaven a punt d'atacar-los i es van replegar. Això va propiciar que els vampirs, els necròfags i el mateix Vitorio avancessin per carregar sobre les víctimes.

The druids on the left flank saw that gigantic vampiric monsters were about to attack them and retreated. This led to the vampires, ghouls and Vitorio himself advancing to charge the victims.

La seva set de sang va fer que els Vargheist intentessin arribar sobre els druides, que veient el que se'ls hi venia a sobre van fugir per salvar la vida. Veient que no arribaven als druides, però si als guerrers, van redirigir el vol allà. El combat va ser brutal i sanguinari i en perdre onze guerrers van fugir tan ràpidament que el Vargheist no van agafar-los. Els druides que es replegaven en veure la matança van entrar en pànic i van fugir també del camp de batalla. Els caçadors prudentment van continuar ocults al bosc i van replegar-se al poblat en fer-se fosc.

Their thirst for blood caused the Vargheist to try to get at the druids, who seeing what was coming at them ran for their lives. Seeing that they were not reaching the druids, but the warriors, they redirected the flight there. The combat was brutal and bloody and losing eleven warriors they fled so quickly that the Vargheist did not catch them. The retreating druids at the sight of the carnage panicked and fled the battlefield as well. The hunters prudently remained hidden in the forest and retreated to the village at nightfall.

Vitorio va examinar els cossos sense sang que el Vargheist havien destrossat per si la noble estava allà. Durant la tarda va rebre notícies d'Asurath, havia arribat amb la resta de les tropes. Un cop es reforcés avançaria per destruir el poblat i recuperar la joia.

Vitorio scanned the bloodless bodies the Vargheist had mangled to see if the noblewoman was there. During the afternoon he received news of Asurath, he had arrived with the rest of the troops. Once reinforced, he would advance to destroy the village and recover the jewel.

A uns quilòmetres dels túmuls Sonia va reagrupar totes les tropes i va donar avis a altres poblats del perill que havia arribat a l'illa. Aquells monstres havien matat gent valuosa que hauria de venjar.

A few kilometers from the mounds, Sonia regrouped all the troops and notified other towns of the danger that had reached the island. Those monsters had killed valuable people that she should avenge.

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